Friday, December 30, 2016

سافر كمحترف

العالم أصبح قرية صغيرة تتنوع فيه وسائل النقل لتستكشف الأرض من شرقها لغربها فى أقل وقت ممكن وأقصى درجات الراحة والأمان. كما لم يعد السفر مكلف بعد الآن لذا فقضاء اجازة فى مكان جديد شئ متاح لجميع الناس وليس حكراً على فئة معينة من الناس.

سافر كمحترف هو كتاب عن السفر والرحلات.

 ستعرف فى هذا الكتاب ما هى الفوائد السبعة والسفر, كما ستجد فيه المعلومات القيمة عن كيف تحدد أين ستكون اجازتك القادمة, كيف توفرها بأقل تكلفة ممكنة, كيف تحجز الفندق وتحجز تذاكر الطيران بأرخص الأسعار, ماذا تأخذ معك؟ وكيف تجهز حقائبك؟ ولكن ماذا عن كيفية قضاء اجازتك؟ ماذا ستفل وماذا ستشاهد؟ كيف ستحدد ماذا ستفعل كل يوم فى رحلتك؟ لم يغفل الكتاب عن هذا أيضاً وشرح بالتفصيل وبالصور كيف تخطط لرحلتك خطوة بخطوة.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Why to Travel

Traveling  is not for explorers and adventure lovers, but also for everyone from age of month to 500 years old and counting.

Traveling is very healthy and should to be an annual routine for the coming main reasons.

Traveling is a must, so imam el Shafei wrote a poem on the benefits of traveling and called them to be:

1-Get free from bad mood
If you live in one place for long time, you will suffer from routine and boredom; by a holiday you can recreate and get away from such feelings, so you get back home more productive and more open minded.

2- Education and science: 
Every place in the world has its unique tracking science and education, so you can travel to some university or course to get the information that suits your ambition.

3-   Cultures:
Every place has its own cultures and ideas, by exploring and living in new cultures, you can get the best of them to apply in your life, and you will notice that your mind is much free and accepting new ideas than who do not travel, even in the past they were exchanging ideas, for example: that is why the restaurant is French thought but it is now everywhere.

4-   Great Friendships:
In travel you can have great friends.

5-   Praying to Allah:
In Islam you pray to Allah all the time but the most prayer accepting times is the prayer of the oppressed, the traveler, and the parent for his child.

6-   Make living:
You may be not able to find job specifically if you are from a country or even a town of a high unemployment rate, so you have to travel another town or country to where you can find a job.

7-   Visiting Family and friends:

You probably away from your beloved family and friends, may be they traveled or you traveled